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Southern Storytelling: A Conversation with T.I. Lowe

Southern Storytelling: A Conversation with T.I. Lowe

Today, we begin season 6 of the podcast! This season our theme is, Tell Your Story, and what better way to begin, than to talk to a storyteller. Our podcast guest today is, T.I. Lowe, storyteller and author. Personally, I'm a fan of her books, so it was a joy to get...

Attached to God: Part 2

Attached to God: Part 2

Today, we're finishing our attachment series, by talking about moving from insecurity in our relationship with God to a place of security. Remember all of the insecure attachment styles? We're going back over them today, but differently! Instead of relating them to...

Attached to God: Part 1

Attached to God: Part 1

Before we close our attachment series, I wanted to spend some time talking about what attachment looks like in our relationship with the Lord. Of course, that begs the question: How can we be attached to someone who is invisible? In order to do that, we're diving into...

Earned Secure Attachment

Earned Secure Attachment

We've made it through all four of the attachment styles, but wait! There's a fifth style, and this one is the most hopeful of all. It's called earned secure attachment. Thankfully, God has designed our brains to be able to learn secure attachment patterns, even in...

Insecure Attachment: Part 2

Insecure Attachment: Part 2

Continuing PRN's attachment series, in today's episode, we're talking about the last two attachment styles: Anxious Avoidant and Disorganized. If you've missed the episodes outlining the first two attachment styles, Secure Attachment and Anxious Ambivalent, I...

Insecure Attachment: Part 1

Insecure Attachment: Part 1

Welcome back to PRN's Attachment Series! Today, we're talking about the first of the insecure attachment patterns: Anxious Ambivalent. If you missed the episode on Secure Attachment, you might want to go back and listen to that one before starting this episode. There...

Attachment and Authenticity

Attachment and Authenticity

Welcome back to our attachment series! Before we jump into the insecure attachment styles, I thought we might talk about an important need that correlates with attachment, and that is authenticity. This episode dives into the work and research of Canadian physician...

Secure Attachment

Secure Attachment

This week on the podcast, we're jumping into the four attachment patterns, beginning with secure attachment. In this episode, we'll cover the fundamentals of the "attachment dance," the hallmarks of secure attachment, and how having a secure attachment style sets us...

The History of Attachment

The History of Attachment

Today, we're continuing our new podcast series on attachment, by diving into the history of attachment theory. If you like biography episodes, or learning about history, this episode will delight you. In this episode, we'll be talking about 3 of the main attachment...

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