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May you be encouraged on your journey with Jesus.
Mama Bird’s Mocking Me
One of my favorite places to be in the summer is in my garden. I especially love to spend time there early in the morning or in the cool of the evening. I also enjoy savoring alone time there, but one night last July I found myself in the garden with an uninvited...
Creating and Maintaining Safe Spaces At Home
A few weeks ago, I was talking with a friend about decluttering and organizing. I shared with her that as a naturally unstructured person, who is a mom of four boys, organization and cleanliness are difficult at my house. I then went on to explain a small hack that...
To the One Who is Dreading the Holidays
As we enter into the Advent season, it seems that joy is spreading far and wide. At least that is what commercials and Christmas carols would have you believe. However, for a significant portion of the population, there is little joy to be found in this season....
Ants, Ants, Everywhere!
Over the past year, there is a small, but prolific pest that has made itself comfortable in my life. Ants. They're a small, but mighty foe. I grew up in Georgia, where fireants were a common part of life. When I moved to North Carolina, in my early twenties, I was...
For When You’re Surrounded
Have you ever felt truly helpless? Trapped? Surrounded on all sides? This year I have found myself facing challenges that were beyond my natural capacity to navigate. I have been pushed beyond my stress limits, but even then the challenges would not abate. I have...
Finding The Glimmers
Chances are you've heard the word trigger quite a lot recently. In fact, you can probably list a few of your own triggers right now. A trigger is the signal, or catalyst, that can send our bodies into a state of fight or flight. It is the event that activates our...
Waiting for the Pop
Last night, I walked around my new raised bed garden, inspecting the soil for signs of growth. Nothing. It has been a week and a half, and so far no green sprouts have broken the surface. I love this time of year, and every spring I look forward to watching my first...
The Path of Much Resistance
I have a confession to make. I don't like hard things. If given the choice, I will almost always choose the path of least resistance. Generally, I live my life hoping to avoid conflict and difficulty, making sure everyone is pleased, while putting forth the least...
Setting Boundaries with Social Media
Are we ever really alone anymore? The truth is, we can have an audience anytime we want with the simple use of an app or two. Wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, I find that I have a choice. I can keep my experience to myself, or I can post about it online and make my...
A Gentle Hand
It was a long and tiring day. Bedtime had finally arrived, and I was going through our nightly ritual with my youngest son. Every evening we have the same routine: he climbs in bed, arranges his stuffed animals, and snuggles with his special blankie. Then I cover him...
Living into Your Role
Years ago, as a young and insecure new therapist, I remember feeling overwhelmed and inadequate. I was navigating my role amid various counseling theories and paradigms, and I was helping a host of clients coming from different backgrounds. My supervisor joked with me...
Adapt or Grow
A few years ago I attended a professional conference for therapists and clinicians. The plenary speaker talked about technology and how it affects our brains and behavior. He posited a unique position. Rather than touting only the evils of too much technology, he...
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