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Solo Parenting Children From Hard Places: A Conversation with Leah Stirewalt
In the second part of my conversation with Leah, she shares about the unexpected difficulties she has faced as a parent. Leah is a single parent of four adopted children, and she honestly talks about the realities of that journey. She also speaks about being a parent...
Layers of Grief: A Conversation with Leah Stirewalt
Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and settle in for quite a conversation today, friends. It was a joy to talk with my friend, Leah Stirewalt, as she shared her story on this episode. It is no easy story, and to say the least, it has layers. Leah has experienced...
Tell Your Story: Explicit and Implicit Memory
Did you know that there is more than one kind of memory? In telling our stories, we are accessing both explicit and implicit memories to form a coherent narrative. In this episode, we'll begin with a calming exercise, then talk about the role of about explicit and...
Tell Your Story: The Role of Memory
What is memory, and how does memory affect how we process and tell our own story? In the next couple of episodes we're going to dive into that subject together. We're also going to talk about how we are story-bound people. So, join me for this 150th episode of the...
Stories of the Kingdom: The Seeds
Join me today, as we spend a few minutes together meditating on one the stories of Jesus. His stories, called parables, are earthly stories that carry a heavenly meaning. They share ideas and metaphors to describe his Kingdom. If you want to read along, we'll be in...
Soul-Care Reflections: What If Your Story Is Ordinary?
As we continue the theme of examining our stories, today I'm posing the question, what if it turns out that your story is ordinary? Join me today for an 11-minute reflection episode. We'll begin with a grounding exercise, reflect together on what it means to live an...
Soul-Care Reflections: When Pain Enters Our Story
In today's episode, we're continuing to ponder our own stories. Specifically, we're examining how the lens of how suffering affects our stories. To do so, I'm using Walter Brueggemann's framework for considering the Psalms in 3 parts: Orientation, Disorientation, and...
Finding Compelling Stories in the Ordinary: A Conversation with Katie Powner
What makes a compelling story? On this episode, I talk about this idea and more with author, Katie Powner. She was on the podcast three years ago to talk about her first book, The Sowing Season, and today, we're talking about her newest book, The Wind Blows in...
If We Met For Coffee, I’d Tell You…
This is a relaxed episode. No music. No centering practice. It's just me, being honest with you, about my own soul-care practices in this season. May you be encouraged on your journey with Jesus.
Stories of the Kingdom: Who Is My Neighbor?
In today's podcast episode, we're going to be meditating on a familiar story, but from a different perspective. We'll begin our time together with a breath prayer, and then examine the story of The Good Samaritan. Get ready to employ your holy imagination! May you be...
The Gift of The Outsider: A Conversation with Alicia J. Akins
It was a joy to have Alicia Akins back on the podcast today to talk about her new book, The Gift of the Outsider: What Living in the Margins Teaches Us About Faith. This season we are talking about stories, and one story that needs to be told is that of the outsider....
Soul-Care Reflections: Pausing the Other Stories
All day, every day, we are being inundated with an onslaught of stories, but do we have a limit to how many stories we can take in? In today's episode, we're going to talk about that very thing! We'll start the episode with a slow-down exercise, then spend some time...
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