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Ants, Ants, Everywhere!

Ants, Ants, Everywhere!

Over the past year, there is a small, but prolific pest that has made itself comfortable in my life. Ants. They’re a small, but mighty foe. I grew up in Georgia, where fireants were a common part of life. When I moved to North Carolina, in my early twenties, I...
Gas Fill-ups and Gratitude

Gas Fill-ups and Gratitude

My oldest son and I sit in the van, biding time and creeping forward. It’s 3:14, and the school bell will soon ring, releasing my three youngest boys from their school day. Here we sit, just like we do every Monday, waiting in the school pick-up line. I glance...
Good Intentions

Good Intentions

If you’ve been a reader of my blog very long, you may have noticed by now that I tend to write frequently about animals and nature. It seems that I reflect best while observing my natural surroundings. It’s unsurprising then, that today’s blog post...

Fighting Words

Wherever you go, in restaurants, stores, even gas stations, there are background tracks playing. Like elevator music that fades into the periphery of conversation and the din of customers, the songs go mostly unnoticed. Then, a favorite song comes on, and suddenly you...

Thoughts, Thighs, and Toll Booths

You’re at a play date, listening to another mom tell stories about her child.  As you listen to all of her parenting accomplishments, you begin thinking, “Wow, she’s really got it all together.  Her kid is really succeeding and seems like he’s...