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Psalms of New Orientation

Psalms of Disorientation




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Psalms of Orientation

Psalms of Orientation

Today we continue our series on the Psalms and learning what they teach us about being a human in process. We'll be meditating on a psalm of orientation today, Psalm 19. Psalms of orientation evoke gratitude for the blessings of creation and God's good law. It just so...

Orientation, Disorientation, and New Orientation

Orientation, Disorientation, and New Orientation

We might call this mini-series, "where faith meets mental health." More specifically, we would call it, "where worship and prayer meet mental health." For the next few weeks, we are going to be diving into the Psalms and examining them through Walter Brueggemann's...

These Stones Remain: A Conversation with Claudia Campbell

These Stones Remain: A Conversation with Claudia Campbell

How can we find hope when darkness and suffering linger? This week's guest, Claudia Campbell, shares about her experience of wrestling through just that question. She recently wrote a book of reflections called These Stones Remain, in which she processes the Lord's...

Soul-Care Reflections: A Bird From the Lord

Soul-Care Reflections: A Bird From the Lord

Join me today for a short and sweet reflection episode about how the Lord's grace met me in an unexpected way last spring. We'll start by doing a regulation exercise together called the magic moustache. Then, I'll share a story about a bird from the Lord. I'd love to...

Mountains, Valleys, and Ditches: The Story of Helen Roseveare

Mountains, Valleys, and Ditches: The Story of Helen Roseveare

It's time for a biography episode! Today, we're talking about Helen Roseveare, a doctor, writer, missionary, speaker, and ditch-digger. Her faith and her story will both inspire and challenge you. I was first introduced to Helen's story a few years ago, and over the...

Sarah & Ginny Read: Try Softer by Aundi Kolber

Sarah & Ginny Read: Try Softer by Aundi Kolber

If you feel like you're in survival mode and white knuckling your way through life, then this episode and this book are for you. It was a joy to have Sarah Pascual on the podcast today to talk with me about a book that we both recently read called, Try Softer, by...

In Process: The 5 Grief Stages

In Process: The 5 Grief Stages

Today, we're continuing our series of being in process by exploring the five grief stages. Loss is a normal part of the human journey, and it's helpful and empowering to understand the ways in which we may experience it. Although when we think about grief, often...

In Process: Grief and Lament

In Process: Grief and Lament

This week we're talking about a subject that is an integral part of the human condition, grief. It's a pretty important topic to start with, when it comes to being a human in process, because to be human, means to face loss: loss of dreams, expectations, people, and...

Soul-Care Reflections: In Process

Soul-Care Reflections: In Process

In this short reflection episode, we're diving into the theme of Season 7: being a human who is in process. You'll hear how I arrived at this theme and some of the things that you can expect throughout the coming months on the podcast. We'll begin our time together...

The Way of Belonging: A Conversation with Sarah Westfall

The Way of Belonging: A Conversation with Sarah Westfall

Welcome to Season 7 of the PRN Podcast! I'm so excited to kick of this new season with a fantastic guest, Sarah Westfall. Sarah recently wrote a book called, The Way of Belonging: Reimagining Who We Are and How We Relate. I loved getting to dive into deep conversation...

Live Slowly: A Conversation with Jodi Grubbs

Live Slowly: A Conversation with Jodi Grubbs

Do you need a gentle invitation to exhale? If so, then this conversation is really going to minister to you. This is the last episode of Season 6, and I am so happy that we could end the season with this conversation about slow-living. My guest today is author and...

Tell Your Story: How To Begin Your Story Work

Tell Your Story: How To Begin Your Story Work

As we wrap up Season 6 about telling our stories, I want to leave you with some practical places to begin your own story work. In this reflection episode, I'm laying out four integral parts of story work: reflection, writing, telling, and listening. I hope you'll come...

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