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Soul-Care Reflections: Glimmers

Soul-Care Reflections: Glimmers Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | RSSIf you enjoyed last week’s episode about triggers, then you will love this week’s episode. We’re talking...
Soul-Care Reflections: Triggers

Soul-Care Reflections: Triggers Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | RSSThis fall, we’re continuing the soul-care series on building resilience and widening our window of tolerance. So, today...
Ants, Ants, Everywhere!

Ants, Ants, Everywhere!

Over the past year, there is a small, but prolific pest that has made itself comfortable in my life. Ants. They’re a small, but mighty foe. I grew up in Georgia, where fireants were a common part of life. When I moved to North Carolina, in my early twenties, I...