How does one begin a blog? I have so many fantastic ideas burgeoning for future posts, just waiting to be written. However, when it was time to begin this post I found myself in a quandary. Where to start? My husband sensibly suggested that I share what led me to begin a blog. That seemed a reasonable idea. So, this is the story of how PRN came to be.
Recently, I was thinking about starting an Etsy store. Last spring I was absorbed in thoughts of selling my vegetables at a Farmer’s Market. I frequently come up with ideas like these, as I am a rather impulsive person. Usually, these ideas wither on the vine rather quickly once I’ve considered the logistics (for instance, without Pinterest I cannot craft…bye-bye, Etsy).
This week I was inspired to start a blog. I thought to myself, “I may not be gifted as a crafter, but I am gifted in the areas of feelings and words.” Would this be one more random idea that I concoct only to quickly fizzle? There are so many blogs out there already! What can I offer that is different than other blogs? Is there a reason to make one more webpage for people to scroll through? I began to pray and ask that if the blog was God’s will that He would lead and guide me, giving me ideas and allowing the blog to prosper. I considered it from all angles, with growing excitement. Within a few hours, I had a name: PRN: Pause, Renew, Next.
Immediately, I knew my target audience: women of all ages, the same population I serve as a counselor. What the average woman needs more than anything is rest, renewal, and encouragement (and of course lots of hugs and baby snuggles, but I can’t provide those essentials on this blog).
The format of each post will consist of varying subject matters, but at the end of each post there will be three sections listed: Pause, Renew, Next. These sections will encourage the reader to absorb, engage, and act out the subject material. As a counselor, I’ve learned that if my clients are not given homework, there is a good chance they will forget what was discussed during the session. So it is with digital interactions.
I recently listened to Brené Brown speak in Rising Strong as a Spiritual Practice. Her research demonstrates that the way to help people transfer information from their heads to their hearts is through their hands: in other words, through behavior and action! In this way, my blog is designed to minister to the head and the heart, as well as provide an action step. That’s where lasting change occurs!
Please know, it’s up to you how many of the exercises you want to engage in. Do as much or as little as you like. In this blog, I’m focusing on the pause verse, Psalm 46:10. Let’s give it a go, shall we?
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 NIV
Pause: Breathe deeply. Read the above verse to yourself a few times.
Renew: Try to really be still. Is it difficult for you? Is it hard in your body or in your mind? Close your eyes and think about a place that you feel peaceful and imagine trying to be still in that place. Now meditate (concentrate deeply) for a few moments on knowing the God that is exalted among the nations.
Next: Write down this verse and carry it around with you this week, or open your Bible and read it once each day. Try to carve out a few minutes each day to really allow your body and mind to be still and focus on who God is. Can you try one more minute each day? 1 minute the first day, 2 minutes the second day, etc?
And that’s it! Not too hard, right? This was a simple exercise, but by choosing to meditate on Scripture, you not only spent time with the Lord, but also made a positive impact on your emotions and your health.
I look forward to continuing this journey together!
Pause, Renew, Next!
Awesome. I love it. ?????
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Loved this! It too me to my happy place, where I feel the closest to my Lord, my King Jesus! Thank you Jenny!
I’m so glad it ministered to you!
Thank you so much! This was a great way to end my evening! PRN. I will be looking forward to the next blog! Blessings, Cindy