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May you be encouraged on your journey with Jesus.


Hold Tight and Be Held

Let me make a confession: I have chosen the same word of the year, every January, for multiple years in a row. Granted, I did briefly consider finding a new word for this year, but I realized that, more than anything, I need to continue to lean in to the word I have...

The Anticipation of Christmas

I just love Christmastime.  I love everything including the lights, the tree, the music, the parties, the decorations, the gifts, the food, and the anticipation. Yes, especially the anticipation. Anticipation is the expectation of something, the hope that builds...

Advent, A Star, and Adoration

For the past couple of years, our family has begun a new Advent tradition.  We have been reading through the Jotham's Journey series by Arnold Ytreeide. This year's advent reading is titled Ishtar's Odyssey, and it centers around the story of the Wise Men....

Trials by Fire

At some point in the life of every believer, a trial will come that will test their faith.  With trials come frustration, grief, and desperation.  Maybe in your trial, you believed that if you were faithful God would take the struggle from you, but He...

Provision for Today

I am not a planner by nature, unless it's for something fun.  I could plan for vacations for hours on end. For normal plans, however, if it's important, it better go on the calendar, because I do not generally think far in advance.  As a mother of four,...

Courage – Reinterpreting Fear Signals

A few years ago, my husband and I were asked to give a short presentation about our adoption journey during a service at our church. As I sat there, waiting for our turn to speak, I could feel my anxiety rising.  My heart was pounding, and my stomach was tied in...

Mess or Masterpiece?

One evening this week, I found the living room floor covered with toys.  It was late, I had been at work all day, and I was exhausted.  Briefly I considered telling the boys to pick up the toys, but I was too tired to care. So, I planned to do some general...

Look at Me, Look at Me!

I am not proud of it, but I can admit that I am a people pleaser at heart.  I mean I really, really, really desire recognition and approval. Thankfully, I am aware of this unhealthy bent in my personality. Even so, I find myself falling into the trap of worrying...

My Insidious Garden Foe

I have a general affinity for plant life.  However, there are two plants that I absolutely cannot stand. One is poison ivy, for obvious reasons, and the other is Bermuda grass. In case you have never had to battle Bermuda grass, let me regale you with my...

Milk and Bricks

President Lincoln came into office despised by half of his country. The North elected him, and the South quickly rejected him in exchange for their own president. He worked long and tirelessly to reunite a country that was tearing apart at the seams. In the middle of...

And Hope Does Not Put Us to Shame

This week, with one phone call, I brought to a close a four year season in the life of our family.  Some decisions are difficult, and this was one of them.  My husband and I both knew it was the right decision, but sometimes knowing and having peace about a...

A Neighborly Day in This Beautywood

One of my heroes in life is Fred Rogers .  Naturally, I was excited about the new documentary, "Won't You Be My Neighbor?," that came out last summer about Mr. Rogers' life.  One of the quotes that stood out to me most in the movie was:  "Love is at the...


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