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In this episode, Becky shares how the Lord led her family to adopt their twin girls from Ukraine. She eloquently speaks of the hurdles and rewards of adoption and special needs parenting. Throughout the interview, she shares powerfully how, through the adoption of her daughters, the Lord is producing the fruit of the Spirit in both her life and the lives of her children.

Becky, my guest on this podcast, shares about how the Lord led her into adoption and special needs parenting.

In this episode, Becky lists a few resources that she has found particularly helpful in parenting:

Empowered to Connect, mentioned in today’s podcast, is a great ministry that helps equip adoptive and foster parents in how to raise children that “come from hard places.”

Also mentioned in this podcast is Reece’s Rainbow, which is a special needs adoption support ministry.

Becky shares that one of her favorite Scripture passages is Psalm 107. She particularly clings to the last verse in the chapter:

Let whoever is wise pay attention to these things
and consider the Lord’s acts of faithful love.

Psalm 107:43 HCSB

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May you be encouraged on your journey with Jesus!

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